Consider/Discuss/Act on an Amendment to Section 54-202 (Issuance of Permit), Section 54-209 (Exceptions), Section 87-10 (Permit Required), Section 114-21 (Auto Pound Specifications - Generally), Section 122-4 (Permits within City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction), Chapter 138 (Special Use Regulations) and Appendix A - Schedule of Fees (Motor Vehicles and Traffic) of the Code of Ordinances, and Accompanying Ordinance
COUNCIL GOAL: Direction for Strategic and Economic Growth
(1C: Provide a Strong City Economy by Facilitating a Balance between Industrial, Commercial, Residential, and Open Space)
MEETING DATE: November 15, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Development Services - Planning Department
CONTACT: Jennifer Arnold, AICP, Director of Planning
Aaron Bloxham, Principal Planner
* Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments.
* Staff proposes minor amendments for reference updates, fees, and removal of regulations adopted as part of the proposed Unified Development Code for consistency and clarity.
* Section 54-202 (Issuance of Permit)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Chapter 58 (Lighting) to the new exterior lighting article reference in the Unified Development Code.
* Section 54-209 (Exceptions)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Chapter 58 (Lighting) to the new exterior lighting article reference in the Unified Development Code.
* Section 87-10 (Permit Required)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Chapter 134 (Signs) to the new signs article reference in the Unified Development Code.
* Section 114-21 (Auto Pound Specifications-Generally)
o Staff proposes to revise the reference to Section 146-132 (Fences, Walls, and Screening) to the new screening section reference in the Unified Development Code.
* Section 122-4 (Permits within the City Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction)
o Staff proposes to revise the references to Section...
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